Our enquiry pipeline is here!
Our new enquiry pipeline is now live and
Email Integrations:
You need an individual email (not a group email) with 2FA turned on (Microsoft insist on using an authenticator app on your smart phone).
Then you need to go to your Outlook / Gmail 'Account' in a web browser and set up an App password which you can use as the [Password] field in Hostology: Venues/ Venue Settings / Integrations Integrations
If you need any help setting up your email on Hostology please let us know on support@hostology.co.uk or book in a call and we'll take you through it
- IMAP Server Address is outlook.office365.com
- Account details: Username is your email - enquiries@yourdomain.com
- Port set to 993
- Create App Password: See article here about creating app passwords in different accounts/ versions - Create app passwords from the Security info (preview) page - Microsoft Support
- Turn on 2FA / add an authenticator app - https://account.live.com/proofs/EnableTfa
- Go to "Create a new app password" on your account security page -
https://account.live.com/proofs/Manage/additional - Add the app password to Venue Integrations page
- Click save
- You're all set! Your enquiry emails will now be synced on Hostology and you'll be able to track progress and turn them into events as soon as they're confirmed
- The first time you sync, all the emails from the last 7 days will be added to Hostology, then every time you sync all new enquiries since the last sync will be added
- IMAP Server Access is imap.gmail.com
- Account details - Username is your email - enquiries@yourdomain.com
- Port set to 993
a. Create an app password How to create app passwords | Google Workspace Knowledge Center- STEPS
- Turn on 2FA / add an authenticator app
- Log into Google account, click manage account- https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/?pageId=none
- Click Security - Add an app password should be on the page but can be hidden. Go to: https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/apppasswords?rapt=AEjHL4PBJgCQUIwbUcE71WCp4MmpV2lUi9qPeFg7T3onsEyM-O359q9iQ0eB2gbCVJBXHNFnTtodYQjJVmWmcOwHMdvDoFZ8tPgM965I3tlYdLkplX0RhAU&pageId=none&pli=1
- Add the app password to Venue Integrations page
- Click save
- You're all set! Your enquiry emails will now be synced on Hostology and you'll be able to track progress and turn them into events as soon as they're confirmed
- The first time you sync, all the emails from the last 7 days will be added to Hostology, then every time you sync all new enquiries since the last sync will be added
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