
How to connect your enquiries inbox straight to Hostology:
Go to your venue and click on Venue Integrations on the lefthand menu, click on Connect via Nylas
- You will be redirect to Nylas, choose your email provider from the list and sign in using your email username and password
- Give Nylas permission to access your inbox and allow the connection
- You will now be taken back to Hostology and you will see "Connected via Nylas"
You are now connected to Hostology and will receive all the relevant enquiries in the Pipeline page!
By default we currently deduplicate emails based on email address for all incoming enquiries. The Pipeline will sync up to the last 14 days and any unrecognised email addresses will create a new opportunity.
There's a couple of different filters you can choose from to make sure you're syncing the correct you want to see on Hostology.
There are three different option you can choose if you allow emails to come in:
- No filter, allows all emails
- Multiple enquiry, allow multiple enquiries from the same email address only if the subject is different
- Single enquiry, limit to one enquiry for each unique email address, even if subject is different
You can also add known email exceptions and block certain senders (for example your internal team emails) or allow all enquiries from certain senders (for example Bridebook or Hitched)
To connect using IMAP Email Integrations:
You need an individual email (not a group email) with 2FA turned on (Microsoft insist on using an authenticator app on your smart phone).
Then you need to go to your Outlook / Gmail 'Account' in a web browser and set up an App password which you can use as the [Password] field in Hostology: Venues/ Venue Settings / Integrations Integrations
If you need any help setting up your email on Hostology please let us know on support@hostology.co.uk or book in a call and we'll take you through it
- IMAP Server Address is outlook.office365.com
- Account details: Username is your email - enquiries@yourdomain.com
- Port set to 993
- Create App Password: See article here about creating app passwords in different accounts/ versions -
Create app passwords from the Security info (preview) page - Microsoft Support
- Turn on 2FA / add an authenticator app - https://account.live.com/proofs/EnableTfa
- Go to "Create a new app password" on your account security page -
https://account.live.com/proofs/Manage/additional - Add the app password to Venue Integrations page
- Click save
- You're all set! Your enquiry emails will now be synced on Hostology and you'll be able to track progress and turn them into events as soon as they're confirmed
- The first time you sync, all the emails from the last 7 days will be added to Hostology, then every time you sync all new enquiries since the last sync will be added
- IMAP Server Access is imap.gmail.com
- Account details - Username is your email - enquiries@yourdomain.com
- Port set to 993
a. Create an app passwordHow to create app passwords | Google Workspace Knowledge Center
- Turn on 2FA / add an authenticator app
- Log into Google account, click manage account- https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/?pageId=none
- Click Security - Add an app password should be on the page but can be hidden. Go to: https://myaccount.google.com/u/3/apppasswords?rapt=AEjHL4PBJgCQUIwbUcE71WCp4MmpV2lUi9qPeFg7T3onsEyM-O359q9iQ0eB2gbCVJBXHNFnTtodYQjJVmWmcOwHMdvDoFZ8tPgM965I3tlYdLkplX0RhAU&pageId=none&pli=1
- Add the app password to Venue Integrations page
- Click save
- You're all set! Your enquiry emails will now be synced on Hostology and you'll be able to track progress and turn them into events as soon as they're confirmed
- The first time you sync, all the emails from the last 7 days will be added to Hostology, then every time you sync all new enquiries since the last sync will be added
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